
Pourquoi Ford croit que son changement de 1,9 milliard de dollars vers les véhicules électriques bénéficiera au constructeur automobile

Ford Motor Company has long relied on large trucks and SUVs for its profits in the U.S. However, the automaker is now shifting its focus towards smaller, more affordable electric vehicles in order to achieve profitability in the EV market. This change in strategy is motivated by the need to compete with upcoming Chinese automakers who are expanding into new markets with cost-effective EVs.

The Chief Operating Officer of Ford’s Model e EV unit, Marin Gjaja, believes that the highest adoption rates for electric vehicles will be in the affordable segment of the market. By investing in more capital-efficient and profitable EV models, Ford aims to secure its position in the increasingly competitive electric vehicle industry.

The company’s decision to cancel a large electric SUV and delay the production of a full-size electric pickup truck reflects a strategic shift towards smaller, more economically viable EV models. The first new EV from Ford is expected to be a commercial van, followed by a midsized pickup and the T3 full-size pickup truck.

Despite facing losses in its current EV operations, Ford is optimistic about the future of electric mobility. The company’s revised electrification plans include a greater focus on hybrid and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles to meet fuel economy regulations while also expanding its lineup of all-electric vehicles.

This new direction for Ford contrasts with the approach taken by its rival, General Motors, which has invested heavily in all-electric vehicles and aims to achieve profitability in the EV market. However, Ford remains committed to developing technologies that are both affordable for consumers and profitable for the company.

In conclusion, Ford’s pivot towards smaller, more affordable electric vehicles reflects the changing landscape of the automotive industry. By adapting its strategy to meet evolving market demands, Ford aims to secure its position as a leader in the electric vehicle market while also remaining competitive against emerging rivals.